There are a few different reasons why you may have received this message.
1. The streaming rights for the video you are trying to watch may have expired.
As you may know PBS is not a producer, but rather a distributor of programming. Our distribution rights are fairly limited and are sometimes confined to only broadcasting. However, when PBS is allowed streaming rights they are subjected to time limitations, usually of two weeks. If a video has expired, PBS no longer holds rights to stream this program online. In these cases, an expiration date will be listed beneath the video title.
Please keep in mind that many videos, such as each episode of Downton Abbey, are available for streaming the day after they are broadcast on television and for up to two weeks after for users without the Passport benefit. So when an episode airs on television on Sunday evening, it is available online Monday and for the next two weeks.
2. It's possible that your station does not offer the local station membership benefit Passport, which allows members extended access to a library of public television.
If your local station does not currently offer PBS Passport, feel free to contact them and ask if they have plans to in the future. If the video has a small blue compass rose icon () next to its title, then it is available exclusively for PBS stations which offer the Passport benefit. Learn more about PBS Passport
3. Our distribution rights are fairly limited and are generally confined to dissemination within the United States.
While over-the-air broadcasts reach beyond U.S. borders, online video is subject to geo-filtering, which restricts the areas that can view PBS content. PBS is legally obligated to ensure each program does not exceed its granted rights, which unfortunately eliminates international streaming ability for PBS programs outside the US.
We regret not being able to offer all our content online to our supporters. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.
You can also see if the video you are looking for is available for a small charge through iTunes or on DVD at
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